Ameena Hassan, Felix Editor 22/23

Imperial College London Summer Elections 2022

Ameena Hassan, Felix Editor 22/23

You can vote from 2pm onwards on 14th June 2022.

  1. Who is Ameena?
  2. What I’m doing this week
  3. Why Ameena?
  4. Transparency Statement
  5. Manifesto
  6. Acknowledgements

Who is Ameena?

I am a Joint Mathematics and Computer Science (JMC) undergraduate student at Imperial. I started my degree in 2018 (in the pre-Covid times) as an international student, took a gap year in 2019/20 and got involved in Felix as Puzzles Editor, became a British citizen, and am now looking forward to graduating in October. I have lived in (order of time spent): London, Singapore, Toyko, Karachi, and Dubai.

What I’m doing this week:

# Monday:
Finalising my M3R report
1pm: Collecting pagination for Felix Issue 1804
2pm: Nominations close

# Tuesday:
Submitting my M3R report
2pm: Voting starts!

# Wednesday:
10am-2pm: Free food at Dangoor Plaza if you vote! (for anyone, for any position)
7pm-11pm: MathSoc Boat Party 

# Thursday:
Marking backlogs of Felix Puzzles 
Laying out the Puzzles section
Preparing my M3R Presentation

# Friday:
10am-12:30pm: M3R Oral Presentation
12nn: Voting closes
5pm: Vote results released
5pm-7:30pm: 21/22 Union Awards Ceremony

Join me when you can!

Why Ameena?

In December ‘21, I became Deputy Editor at Felix, and am Sam’s right hand person. I have been involved with Felix for 3 years, and contribute mainly to the News and Puzzles sections.

Beyond written contributions, I liaise weekly with Section Editors, Illustrators, Copy Editors, and committee members. I have 3 years’ experience of using Adobe InDesign (software we use to lay out weekly Felix Issues) and have been present to witness the publishing process of over 20 issues of Felix this year.

I have followed sensitive stories this year that required absolute conflidentiality, and have conducted interviews with people in which I have remained impartial.

Opinion warning of why me: I think I’m pretty competent and well-informed about the realities of the role. I have a diverse set of experiences, having personally been both an international and home student, have experienced resits and the struggles that our student representatives face. I have seen the paper in its pre- and post-Covid states. Recovering from the pandemic will take time and effort, but I doubt it is impossible.

Transparency Statement:

As a candidate for Felix Editor (or Editor-in-Chief as we call it down in West Basement), I am placed in a position of trust - trust that I will take an unbiased position on contentious issues, and accurately relay the facts of the matter. To do this, I must be open and accountable to all students, and disclose any and all potential conflicts of interest.

However, I am actively involved in many things alongside my BEng in Joint Mathematics and Computer Science, so if you are aware of any omitted conflicts, please email me immediately.

  • 2022 ICU Outstanding Service and Union Colours Awardee
  • 21/22 (Elected Society Roles): Mathematics Society: Social Events Officer, Origami Society: Secretary
  • 2019 - Jun 2022: Instructor at Kumon International (paid employment, ending before role starts)
  • Jan 2020 - Current: Alumni Governor at Harris Westminster Sixth Form (unpaid volunteering position)
  • 21/22 (Other Society Memberships): Computing, Felix, IQ (Imperial College LGBT+)
  • Jul - Aug 22: UROP in Faculty of Medicine, National Heart & Lung Institute
  • 21/22:

    Founder of JMC Women and Non-Binaries Weekly Lunch, Student Member of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications

Additionally, I commit to the Elections Declaration and rules of the Election.


For reference, also available to read when voting: Hi! I’m Ameena, and I’m running to be your next Felix Editor. I have been involved in Felix for three years; as puzzles editor, chief copyeditor, and deputy editor this year. I also contribute to the News section, which is a key responsibility of the Editor. I already have a good rapport with current and incoming section editors, and want to see the paper fully shake off the after effects of the pandemic.

My goals as Editor:

  • Extending distribution network

    Conducting a distribution audit at non-South Kensington Campus and accommodation areas to accurately assess demand

  • Regular weekly uploads of the paper

    To the Felix website, every Thursday, before the paper is distributed

  • Keeping the Union and College accountable

    Keeping to the Felix pledge of fair reporting without bias, and ensuring Comment contributions are better balanced

  • Grow the Felix community

    A big boost in social media use and regular workshops for contributors will restore the Felix society to its 2010s glory

If you have any questions, email me at


The Felix Community $\bigcup$ friends and family, for their continued support and encouragement. The full list is too numerous to list, so I shall give special thanks to Sam Lovatt (current Felix Editor) and Calum Drysdale (19/20 Felix Editor) for their support.

My official seconder: Jamie John, Chief Science Section Editor, Felix

Website: I used GitHub Pages to host this website, and Jekyll, HTML, and CSS to build this website.